Custom-made hipband with 3 braids down the front & back side with tassels sewn along the hips. Cracked MOP mosaic design on the band with feather front plate. Specify fringe and tassel colors as well as hip measurement. Size: 33" - 37" Note: each is hand made and design vary slightly. Note: In sample photos, dancers are wearing this item with a P3 solid white pareo or T4 bleached white fringe. These items need to be bought seperately.Sizes smaller than 33" = less $2 per inch Sizes larger than 37" = addt'l $2.50 per inchAny special instructions can be included in the MEMO section at checkout THIS IS A SPECIAL ORDER ITEM... NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ALLOWEDThis fee applies to loose shells, as well as all items with shell embellishments, such as costumes and jewelry. For orders containing multiple items with shells, the $103 fee is only charged only once per shipment.