**NOTE: We have a supplier...FINALLY! If you are on the backorder list we will contact you once we get to your turn. But currently not adding to the backorder list as the list is very exstenive and customers have been waiting over a year. We apologize for any inconvenience! We hope to reopen orders this summer - keep an eye out!
Undecorated, authentic bark / hau skirt; colors are red, orange, 'ilima (gold), yellow, chartreuse, lime, green, turquoise, aqua, royal blue, purple, dk. magenta, pink, bubble gum, white, coco, rust, brown, black
Size: 38"W x 38"L
(White & Any Color) Be advised: "white" = a bleached white skirt. Color is more "off-white" or cream, NOT paper white!Natural Color available, See Item code: T1NNote: Every dye lot is different. Exact color match cannot be guaranteed, best chance is for all to be ordered at one time. Also be advised that all skirts are handmade. Thickness varies by skirt. Note: this product comes WITHOUT a fabric band or closure;Skirt banding service available for an additional charge (SV1).